Thursday, November 21, 2019

What I've been wearing for church and teaching this fall

A while back, I discovered that if I only see people once a week (like at church), I only need 3 outfits that I can wear on repeat.  It's just enough variety that no one notices that you are wearing the same thing, and easy enough that you don't have to think about what to wear.  Also, since I started teaching on Monday mornings, it is super easy to wear the same outfit I wore to church the day before.  I don't see any of the same people, and the dress code is similar enough to make it work.  I didn't follow these principles exactly, but pretty close.  You will also see that I didn't plan outfits for anything else.  Pretty much the rest of the time I live in comfy clothes around the house, or t-shirt and jeans if I'm going somewhere.

My basic plan was to rotate my green dress, brown ankle-length skirt, and brown dress pants, adding in different shirts, sweaters, and scarves.  I didn't really plan much in advance, and I made more than 3 outfits using different shirts and accessories.

Here are the shirts, sweaters, and scarves I added in:

I only wore these accessories and shoes:

I wore the pearl earrings and watch with every outfit.  The earrings are both dressy and conservative, plus the baby doesn't pull on them (too much).  I added in the necklace instead of a scarf with the floral shirt, to fill in the negative space without taking away from the shirt.  I wore the flats with the skirt and dress, and I wore the boots with jeans and dress pants.  I *love* these pointy toe nude flats I bought recently.  The boots are older, and they only look good with pants, but they are comfortable and dressy enough.

This is what I wore:

Week 1:

I really like this one.  I'm considering adding more leopard print accessories to my wardrobe.

Week 2:

This was my favorite out of all the outfits.  I don't remember where I found this shirt, but it is the perfect floral print for me.  I can wear it in the fall with my orange sweater, but it looks just as good in the spring with my coral sweater.  And the cap sleeves are perfect for wearing it by itself.

Week 3:

 The third week, I just felt like wearing something a bit more casual to church than I can wear to teach, so I wore something different.  I broke my color palette rules with this red shirt, but it is still within the whole autumn color palette.  I liked the cut of the shirt so much, that I bought it anyway at an outlet mall a few years ago.  It looks good tucked in or left out.  But, I can't wear it to teach in without a sweater/blazer, because it is sleeveless.  Unfortunately, the brown skirt didn't work very well with the red shirt, because it is so slippery that the skirt kept falling down.

Week 4:

I repeated the green dress with a different sweater/scarf combo.  It's interesting how different it looks, even just with a different scarf length.

Week 5:

For church, I repeated my outfit from the previous Monday, except changing to jeans to be a bit more casual and prevent the skirt falling down problem.  Then I had to come up with something else for Monday.  I used to think dressing in all neutrals was too boring, but I'm liking it more now that I've found my neutrals.  This cream top is a great basic I found at an outlet mall a few years ago.  It looks great on its own, and the sleeves slip easily into blazer, too.

Week 6: I repeated the outfit from week 2.

Week 7: I repeated the outfit from week 1.

Week 8:

This is next weekend, so no outfit picture yet.  I'm hoping to almost repeat the red shirt outfit from weeks 3 and 5, but switching to the brown dress pants.  I may still wear the jeans to church, though.

So overall, it wasn't a perfect 3 outfits on repeat, but a pretty decent church/teaching 2-month capsule wardrobe.  Obviously, it would look a lot different if I taught more than once a week, but this was perfect for my life right now.

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